Episodes 48 & 49: White Kids Blasting Blake Shelton

This one’s a spicy one! Paula talks about seeing Janet Jackson in concert and the fact that she knows 35 years worth of choreography. And to think that we can’t even remember what we said on last week’s episode…

Chi Chi DeVayne is keeping Amy afloat during the horrible, horrible holiday season. Justin & Selena are back together and their love is based on Jesus. The Fat-Phobic Disaster #1 is Giles Goren.

The Fat-Phobic Disaster #2 is a terrible card game called “HEY THERE FATTY”. The Body Politics WIN is our sweet (imaginary) best friend Aidy Bryant and ho Almw she stopped trying to be skinny and then got funnier!

The Fucked-Up Racial Shit is the murder of Jordan Davis by Michael Dunn. Please watch the documentary “3½ Minutes, Ten Bullets”.

Paula’s recommendations are YQY Tour, all of Lindy West’s NYT articles, and Girls’ Trip.


We didn’t do a blog post for Episode 48: Belcalis Almanzar but please check it out here: